Emergency Safety for Kids

In our unpredictable world, it’s crucial for children to be equipped with knowledge and skills to handle emergencies. It is important to teach our children how to stay safe and act wisely during unexpected situations. We will discuss essential emergency safety tips that parents can share with their children. By teaching them these important skills, we can empower our children to respond calmly and effectively in times of crisis.

Know Important Contact Information:

Ensure your child knows their full name, home address, and your contact information (phone number, including area code). Teach them how to dial emergency services such as 911 or the relevant emergency number in your country. Having this information readily available can be invaluable during an emergency situation.

Establish a Meeting Point:

Designate a specific meeting point in case of an emergency, such as a neighbor’s house, a nearby park, or a specific location outside your home. Teach your child that if they cannot find you during an emergency, they should make their way to the designated meeting point where you will reunite.

Fire Safety:

Educate your child about fire safety practices, such as not playing with matches or lighters, staying away from open flames, and understanding the “Stop, Drop, and Roll” technique if their clothes catch fire. Teach them how to check door handles for heat before opening them and the importance of crawling low under smoke (more information in Fire Safety for Kids SafetyKay Blog)

Severe Weather Preparedness:

Discuss different types of severe weather with your child, such as thunderstorms, tornadoes, or hurricanes, and explain appropriate safety measures for each. Teach them to seek shelter indoors, away from windows, during severe weather events and to follow any instructions given by authorities.

First Aid Basics:

Introduce your child to basic first aid techniques, such as cleaning and covering minor cuts and scrapes, applying ice packs to bumps or bruises, and knowing how to recognize and report injuries. Consider enrolling in a child-friendly first aid course together to further enhance their knowledge.

Evacuation Plan:

Create an evacuation plan with your child for emergencies such as fires or natural disasters. Practice the plan regularly, ensuring they know the safest exits and the designated meeting place outside your home. Reinforce the importance of following the plan calmly and without delay.

Stay Informed:

Encourage your child to stay informed about emergency situations and the appropriate response. Teach them to listen to weather forecasts, news updates, or emergency alerts and to follow instructions provided by authorities. Help them understand the importance of staying calm and not spreading rumors during an emergency.

Stay Calm and Reassure:

Remind your child that during an emergency, it is normal to feel scared or anxious. Emphasize the importance of staying calm and following safety protocols. Reassure them that you are there to protect and support them throughout any emergency situation.

By sharing these essential emergency safety tips with your children, you can help them develop the skills and confidence to respond appropriately during unexpected situations. Remember to regularly review and practice these safety measures to reinforce their understanding.


National Safety Council. (2021). Emergency Preparedness. Retrieved from https://www.nsc.org/home-safety/safety-topics/emergency-preparedness

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). (2021). Youth Preparedness. Retrieved from https://www.ready.gov/kids

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2021). Children and Youth Emergency Preparedness. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/childrenindisasters/index.html

American Red Cross. (n.d.). Preparedness for Children. Retrieved from https://www.redcross.org/get-help/how-to-prepare-for-emergencies/types-of-emergencies/children-and-infants.html

KidsHealth. (2021). Be Prepared. Retrieved from https://kidshealth.org/en/kids/beprepared.html
