Fire Safety for Kids

As parents or guardians, ensuring the safety and well-being of our children is our top priority. Fire safety is a crucial skill that every child should learn to protect themselves and others in emergency situations. By teaching our children about fire safety, we empower them to make informed decisions and react calmly in case of a fire. Here are a few tips to fire safety tips to share with your children:

  • Know the Emergency Plan:

Start by creating a fire emergency plan together as a family. Teach your children how to dial emergency numbers, such as 911, and explain the importance of staying calm during emergencies. Establish a safe meeting point outside the house, away from danger, where everyone can gather. Regularly practice fire drills to ensure everyone knows the escape routes and procedures.

  • Smoke Alarms and Fire Extinguishers:

Explain the importance of smoke alarms and fire extinguishers. Show your children where the smoke alarms are located in your home and ensure they understand that the alarm sound means they must evacuate immediately. Regarding fire extinguishers, demonstrate how to use them responsibly and emphasize that only adults should operate them.

  • Stop, Drop, and Roll:

Teach your children the “Stop, Drop, and Roll” technique, which is crucial if their clothing catches fire. Emphasize the importance of staying low to the ground and covering their face while rolling to extinguish the flames. Encourage them to practice this technique to make it a reflexive response.

  • Stay Low and Crawl:

Explain to your children that smoke rises, and it can be dangerous to breathe. Teach them to stay low to the ground and crawl if there is smoke in the air during a fire. Practicing crawling during fire drills can help them become comfortable with this life-saving technique.

  • Hot Surfaces and Kitchen Safety:

Teach your children about the hazards of hot surfaces, such as stovetops, ovens, and heaters. Emphasize that they should never touch or play near these areas. In the kitchen, establish a safe zone where children can observe but stay away from potentially dangerous appliances and hot pots and pans. Encourage them to tell an adult if they notice any potential fire hazards.

  • Electrical Safety:

Educate your children about the responsible use of electrical appliances and cords. Teach them never to overload outlets, pull cords from the wall socket, or touch electrical devices with wet hands. Show them how to unplug appliances when not in use and the importance of reporting any frayed or damaged cords to an adult.

  • Fire Escape Routes:

Familiarize your children with the various exits in your home. Show them how to unlock doors and open windows safely during an emergency. Teach them to choose the nearest and safest exit route and perform practice fire drills  with your family.

  • Fire Safety Outside the Home:

Discuss fire safety precautions outside the home as well. Teach your children to be mindful of fire hazards, such as matches, lighters, and fireworks. Emphasize that these should only be handled by adults. Encourage them to notify an adult immediately if they come across any fire-related hazards in public places.

By communicating fire safety knowledge to our children, we prepare them with the tools they need to protect themselves and others in emergency situations. Regular discussions, practice drills, and leading by example are vital in reinforcing fire safety habits.


National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). (2021). Sparky School House. Retrieved from

U.S. Fire Administration (USFA). (n.d.). For Kids and Families. Retrieved from
